Android Security

Bluetooth Vulnerability: Implications and Mitigations for Android, macOS, iOS, and Linux Devices

I.Introduction Bluetooth has become an integral technology for billions of smartphones, computers, wearables, and other devices to connect and exchange…

1 week ago

Common Challenges In Android Penetration Testing

Android penetration testing is a crucial aspect of ensuring the security of Android applications and devices. As the popularity and…

9 months ago

Android Pentesting Using Frida

In this blog, we were going to see what Frida is and how to set it up in our systems.…

2 years ago

Using SecLists for Penetration Testing

Introduction to SecLists Seclists is something that comes very handy to a pen tester. The simple reason is, it has…

2 years ago

Android Weak Host Validation

In this blog we are going to discuss about android weak host validation and see how android application is not…

2 years ago


Android applications are now an integral part of our lives, thanks to the excessive use of mobile phones. However, many…

3 years ago

Android Penetration Testing with Drozer

Introduction to Android Application Security Testing Framework - Drozer: Drozer is an android application security testing framework which is developed…

3 years ago

Attacking Android Components – Content Providers

In this blog, I’ll be showing you how we can exploit the Attacking Android Components based content providers vulnerability.  …

3 years ago

DROZER – Android Security Assessment Framework

Drozer is a framework for Android security assessments developed by MWR Labs. It is one of the best Android security…

3 years ago


When we think of asset security, at the first glance it looks pretty simple. After all, what is the big…

3 years ago